Wednesday, July 17, 2013

"Something Tookish"

    As you can see, I'm currently immersed within the world of Tolkien. While I was reading back over The Hobbit for the fifth time, something caught my eye that previously remained veiled. In the very beginning, when Bilbo first meets Thorin and Company, Tolkien relates that "something Tookish" awoke within Bilbo as he listens to the party discuss the upcoming adventure.
     This longing for adventure resounds within Bilbo. It connects him to his ancestors on his mother's side (the Tooks), who were of an adventurous spirit. Upon hearing the dwarves' song, "he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees, and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick."
      This longing seems to be unusual for a Baggins, who usually preferred the comforts of the hobbit-hole. Even though Bilbo outwardly conformed to a life of mundane routine, deep within him existed a longing for more. Joseph Campbell would suggest that this desire for adventure does not remain unique to Bilbo. According to Campbell, this desire exists in all of us.
     Although this may be true, Campbell would not exactly call it a desire for adventure. No, he would call it (within The Power of Myth, for example) "an experience of being alive". For Bilbo, this adventure will provide him with that experience.
    The same can be said, for me personally, with my experience with reading. When I read, it is not merely the exercise of my eyes scanning words on a page. Instead, it is an opportunity for me to leave this mundane existence as a high school teacher and experience another life. In my mind's eye, as I read, I become a pirate, a musketeer, or even a hobbit (I'd be a wizard, but my height lends itself more to hobbit or dwarf).
    Reading opens my life up to worlds I'd never get to visit otherwise. I experience emotions on levels I never thought possible. Thus, I relish the catharsis so sought after by Aristotle. I then can gain better insight into my own being. As Campbell says, "when the story is in your mind, then you see it's relevance to something happening in your own life. It gives you perspective on what's happening to you."
     Literature for me, is more than a hobby. It's more than a passion, even. It's a lifeline. To quote another member of The Inklings, "Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it." It awakens "something Tookish" within us.

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